Saturday, April 21, 2012

Soulutions to Thermal Pollution

            Thermal pollution is devastating to the wildlife surrounding the pollution hotspot. The creatures’ lives can only be saved by enacting solutions that can fix the issue of thermal pollution. Some issues are more easily resolved than others. We sometimes ignore the problem and instead focus solely on the positive outcomes that the system produces.  Other causes can easily be substituted to prevent further pollution, and these alternatives need to be enacted.
-        Deforestation of Shoreline: This source is a cause of pollution that can be resolved much more efficiently than many other causes. We simply need to look for other sources of lumber. Shoreline-specific lumber may have to be substituted for other types of wood. If the trees along the shoreline are simply left alone, the light rays will continue to be blocked and the temperature will not change.
-        Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear power must not be seen as a primary source of energy. Cooling the plants with the surrounding water is the chief cause of thermal pollution. The power plants must be cooled to operate efficiently, but other methods should be considered. Moving towards other sources of energy, such as hydroelectric power, wind power, or solar power, will prevent wasting water on nuclear power plants. The transition will be difficult because nuclear power plants produce much more energy then their environmental-friendly counterparts. If enough alternate power sources are constructed, power plants may be able to generate energy levels nearly equal to that of nuclear power plants.
-        Soil Erosion: Stronger soil will prevent erosion. Plowing fields in circular or wavy pattern will prevent the soil from eroding as quickly. The wind does not affect circular and wavy paths as much as straight-line paths. Soil will always erode due to the vast amount of land, which is untouched by humans but causes the erosion cycle. We can lessen the level of the thermal pollution by erosion but completely eliminating it would be near impossible.
-        Urban Runoff: Redirecting water flow away from the hot surfaces in the urban environment will prevent the water from making any drastic changes in temperature. The water could also be collected and brought to an environment where the temperatures are identical to each other.
-        Natural Causes: Natural causes are caused by nature. Scientists have yet to find any real solutions that can prevent nature from thermally polluting our environment. Perhaps in the future, man-made structures will be constructed to limit the effect natural causes have on the pollution of the environment.

Thermal pollution results from numerous man-made causes. Humans simply neglect the environmental issues and allow them to build up. To most humans, the benefits outweigh the costs. If nothing is done to prevent pollution from entering the environment, the costs will outweigh the benefits. People will have no environment to worry about. To prevent all wildlife from ending, actions must be taken to alleviate thermal pollution, as well as other pollution sources, from the environment.

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